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A member registered Aug 16, 2021

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Actively finding who he is and where he belongs could be a start in his resolve. But you're right, he's bound to change at some point. We'll see what happens.

I guess, but even if it is realistic or 'makes sense' it doesn't really make a fun character in a novel lol. I don't have a problem with making your main character vulnerable, but it seems like the MC here lacks any sort of resolve (at least so far). I think a MC in Adastra is a good example of a vulnerable but driven character. Though he didn't have amnesia so its a little different. 

(1 edit)

Not gonna lie. The MC is making this really tough to read through. He's so pathetic and whiny, its degrading. I didn't expect them to be Batman or anything, its just I don't want to connect to character who's so spineless. I'm sure there's tons of people who get off to that though, its just not for me.